Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva
AEMRN is a public organization (cluster of schools) in the NW of Portugal, 10 Km from Braga and 70 Km from Porto, with 9 kindergarten, 5 primary schools, 2 middle schools:
Teaching staff – 147 / non-teaching staff – 59
1131 pupils (including 30 adult learners at night)
Students’ age: 3-16 (> 18 in Adult Education)
- Experience managing EU funding & projects: Training and qualification courses financed by EU, Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and Erasmus+
- We give a huge importance to community and the way it can positively contribute to school life and to the quality of education children receive, and how school can contribute to the community (eg. Intergenerational projects)
- We use projects to support cross-curricular teaching
- We have extra-curricular activities (Origami, Creative Workshop, Meteorology Club, European Club, Eco-Schools, Living Science, Music Workshop, Feel and Act Club, Pottery Workshop, School Radio, Robotics and Chess)
- School Sports: Canoeing, Archery, Badminton, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Skating and Boccia
- We encourage pupils to create events and learn through experiences
All schools have access to the internet and students initiates contact with ICT in kindergarten
Website: www.aemourerneiva.com

Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support
Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP) is an non-governmental organization founded in 2004 by group of entrepreneurs, teachers and social activists from Rzeszów. CWEP cooperates with businesses and educational institutions. Mission of CWEP is to increase the quality of education training at all levels and in all its forms as well as to promote entrepreneurship in order to foster integration of any social group regardless of gender, age and ethnic origin. The aim of the CWEP is to promote and implement the best solutions that serve this purpose. Particularly, the aims are to improve accessibility, quality and efficiency of education of all people, to promote and contribute to adult education, life-long learning, e-learning and the usage of new technologies in education and entrepreneurship. The Association works with many partners from Europe in order to strengthen economic position of enterprises and provides on-line platform for companies.
Website: www.cwep.eu

Instalofi Levante S.L.- FyG Consultores
Instalofi Levante S.L. – FyG Consultores (FYG) is a private, high-level training enter-prise, pioneers in co-creation with companies, adults and young people in the training on innovative concepts, business creation, employability basic skills, literacy and numeracy skills, entrepreneurship and soft & hard skills training. FyG acts actively as an education and training company promoting and enhancing the development of adults seeing for new opportunities and helping them to become more employable, facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, unemployed with economic or social obstacles.
FyG has experience in running a wide range of trainings courses and mentoring pro-grammes for companies, entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, also with individuals from disad-vantage groups. It acts a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information providing services of job insertion and intermediation on the labour market for unemployed as: orientation, training, assessment and information.
Website: www.fygconsultores.com

LABC is a ltd. company founded in February 2019 and based in Torino (IT). LABC aim is to share and build upon the experience of professionals in the feld of individual and community wellness, group-work, education and training, reintegration into labor market and project management.
LABC is a pan-European learning community, adopting and sharing the principles of:
– collaborative learning: we exchange, improve and share experiences, resources and skills, in order to optimize international and intermodal collaborations, develop and transfer of methodologies and praxis
– generativity: we establish, support and guide the ability to create, generate and produce new psychological, social and educational tools, models and praxis, with the aim of spreading them freely throughout the community
LABC is active and experienced in:
# care work, individual and community well-being through a widespread range of activities, including group work sessions, supervisions, training, consultancy on management, organization of public events, lectures and seminars
# Education and Research by designing learning methodologies and implementing training materials and tools dedicated to improve the awareness of participants and recipients on topics of particular interest in psychological, educational, social and environmental felds.
Website: www.labcentro.it

Ludor Engineering
Ludor Engineering is a Romania based engineering company dedicated to providing comprehensive services in mechanical engineering and design, product development, prototyping and EU project partnering services. It also has expertise in implementation of advanced technologies in education, including 3D printing, robotics, drones, digital electronics, etc.
As a result of their scientific activity and/or direct experience with European projects, our staff members have expertise in many fields, including Industry 4.0, 3D Printing, 3D Modelling, Drone Technology, STEM teaching, Product development, Technological Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Technical Training, etc. Ludor Engineering has direct experience of participating in EU projects including Erasmus+, as both coordinator and partner.
Apart our own technical and project management know-how, we can rely on a large cooperation network, both national and international levels, including universities, schools, private companies and non-governmental organisations.
Website: www.ludoreng.com

Szkoła Podstawowa in Nowa Wieś
Jan Twardowski Primary School in Nowa Wieś is a public school. The history of the school starts in 1907 but in 2010 it was named after Jan Twardowski who was a Polish poet and catholic priest who joined observations of nature with philosophical reflections. The school is located in a small village but our children are very creative and eager to learn. The school consists of eight grades (93 students) and two groups of pre-school (42 children). There are 31 teachers and professionals and 7 service staff.
The school strives to provide good conditions of physical, psychological and intellectual development achieved by harmonized manner of teaching and skills development taking into account security principles, health protection, spirit of patriotism and tradition. The teaching process is focused on creativity, critical and logical thinking.
Website: www.sp-nowawies.edupage.org

The General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services carries out its activities in two main fields as “special education services” and “guidance services.” To provide education access for the individuals who need special education, to increase the quality of special education services, providing educational, personal, and vocational guidance services to students, parents, and teachers is the basis of the work of the General Directorate. The institution is the most authoritative institution and policymaker in Turkey in terms of special education-vocational education and guidance services for disabled people, gifted students, and Migrants/ Refugee children.
Under the umbrella of the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services, there are 1469 Special Education Institutions and 15,402 teachers who continue their educational activities for different groups of disabilities. All programs and material standards of these centers, which are widely available throughout the country, are being prepared by our General Directorate.
Within the organization scheme of General Directorate, there are 1 General Manager, 7 Head of Department, and 126 personnel.
- Education Policies Department,
- Programs and Teaching materials Head Department,
- Special Education and Mainstreaming Head Department,
- Development of Special Abilities Head Department,
- Guidance Services Head Department,
- Monitoring and Evaluation Head Department,
- Research-Development and Projects Head Department
Website: www.orgm.meb.gov.tr

University of Thessaly
University of Thessaly, with 37 Departments, and 8 Faculties is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. University of Thessaly provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields, for over 43000 students. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards.
As one of the University of Thessaly central institutions, the Center of International Education (CIE) supports all major processes at the University and provides basic and individually tailored services in order to systematize and unify the decentral training in the various fields. The main mission of CIE is to provide a sustainable environment for potential international partnerships and to provide increased opportunities for research staff, faculty, students and other tarhet groups to be actively involved in various international initiatives. Furthermore, CIE aims at establishing and organizing intesnsive short training courses.
Website: www.uth.gr