Take advantage of using 3D printing in day-to-day activities and expand your network of contacts with other teachers, schools and companies!
Our platform consists of:
Teacher’s Guidebook
Theoretical part of the ITE, enables access to valuable information about 3dP and guidelines supporting the use of 3D printing at schools
3D Modelling Course
Set of video tutorials available in different languages. It acts as practical introduction to free software that can be used to create 3D models for didactical purposes
3D models by teachers
Collection of 3D models prepared and uploaded by teachers. It takes advantage of the community-based knowledge generation by sharing 3D models.
Lesson Plans
Set of lesson plans that can be used in-class to deliver activities that build on the use of 3DP in education. The division into categories makes the navigation easier.
Database of teachers/school
List of teachers/schools who are at the forefront of using 3DP in school to enrich the educational offer, showcasing their profiles and experience.
Database of companies
List of companies willing to support the use of 3DP in education by promoting such activities through various cooperation with teachers and schools.
Other resources
Other resources relevant for the project area, moreover, you can submit your own resources.
The platform is available at: https://3dp-teacher.erasmus.site/ite/
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